We have huge goals and we need your help in making them reality
Help us fulfill our mission by donating today! The Friends of BCHA (FOBCHA) is a 501 C-3 non-profit. Your donations will help us to continue to support the Boulder City Horsemen’s Association (BCHA) and surrounding community. The Friends of BCHA works closely with the Boulder City Corrals to prioritize fundraising that will help both groups reach common goals.
All donations are greatly appreciated!
Donations can be mailed to: Friends of BCHA, PO Box 61431, Boulder City, NV 89006. Donated funds will be used towards youth sponsorships for educational horsemanship clinics, events and activities, safety and emergency equipment for BCHA, and arena equipment for all disciplines. If you would like to help in other ways, please contact the Friends of BCHA Board of Directors at friendsofBCHA@gmail.com to get more information on other needs and volunteer opportunities.